In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, “Let the little Children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
The Children Ministry offers a welcoming environment and great opportunity for children of all ages to:
• experience the love of Jesus Christ by laying a foundation of Christ in their lives
• grow spiritually and mentally in the word of God
• have a mindset to be used by God regardless of age
Our dedicated teachers are passionate and united in a common mission of raising children in the fear of the Lord and teaching them to serve God and others.
Our lessons are structured in formats that make studying God’s word easy and fun.
The children engage in a variety of activities including Bible studies, memory verses, Christian songs, games, quizzes, crafts, Christian/inspirational movies, Vacation Bible Studies (VBS), picnics, bob a job; hence, equipping kids to be a blessing to this generation!
We love kids of all ages and welcome your family to be part of our community of God’s children!